CreateTile API

This is the main function of the library – it is a factory, which creates you all needed entities: actions, reducer, constants and selectors. Also, "default" createTile is asynchronous (I personally find such modules more often, so it is a default version), and it supports this lifecycle out of the box.

The basic tile will look like this:

import { createTile } from 'redux-tiles';

const { action, selectors, reducer, constants, reflect } = createTile({
  type: ['user', 'info'],
  fn: ({ api, params }) => api.get('/user/info', params),

The default data structure, which keeps data inside (and will be returned if we use selectors.get), is the following:

  isPending: false, // true while your async function performing some actions
  fetched: true, // true in case the result was fetched, either with success or failure
  data: { yourData: ... }, // data resolved from the promise, returned by your function
  error: null, // will be the error which was thrown from your function

You can't affect this structure at all – your data will go either to data field, or either to error in case of throwing an error. fetched field allows you to keep falsy values inside data, so you can return from fn without problems. By this contract you can be sure inside your components the interface, so there is no way to have isLoading, isPending, isUpdating and so on – whatever seems more semantic for each use-case. Yes, it is not that elegant, but much more consistent; same argument for data field.

API to create new tile

Now let's take a look closer into passed object when we create a new tile:

import { createTile } from 'redux-tiles';

const userTile = createTile({
  // type will be reflected in store, so it will be stored
  // under state.hn_api.user (so the first element in the array
  // can serve like an umbrella!)
  type: ['hn_api', 'user'],

  // function for async tile should return a promise, otherwise it
  // will fail. function gets one parameter, object, which contains
  // all passed middleware, and params – object with which dispatched
  // function was invoked
  // e.g. here: dispatch(actions.hn_api.user({ id: 'someID' }));
  // result of the promise will be placed under `data` inside state
  fn: ({ api, params }) => api.get(`/api/user/${}`),

  // nesting allows you to separate your data (first argument is params
  // from fn). It means that all requests will have their own isPending,
  // fetched, data and error, as well as caching
  // it is an optional parameter, arbitrary nesting is supported
  nesting: ({ id }) => [id],

  // this is an aggressive caching for specific item – if it was
  // downloaded, then it won't be downloaded again at all, unless
  // we will invoke with the second parameter `forceAsync: true`:
  // dispatch(actions.hn_api.user({ id: 'someID' }, { forceAsync: true }));
  // also, it means that there will be only one simulatenous request
  // other dispatches will return exactly the same promise
  caching: true,


Asynchronous tiles support caching out of the box, you just have to set property caching to true. It will make two things happen – it won't invoke the same function if the data is already presented there, and also it will prevent the same function be invoked again in case it is already being processing (but dispatched action will return exactly the same promise, so you can safely await for it, and then query the state - it will be an updated value). The latter case is interesting – it basically means that we get rid of race conditions, and we are safe to query same endpoints in a declarative way, without worrying of several requests to same endpoints.

If you have already dispatched an action with enabled caching, and you want to invoke this action again, then you would have to send an object with a key forceAsync: true as a second parameter to invoked function:

dispatch(actions.api.users({ id: 'someID' }, { forceAsync: true }));

Though the same promise thing might seem as a magical part, it is not! In order to make it work for each requests in Node.js, we keep this object inside middleware (so it belongs to the instance of a store), and it means that in order to make it work we have to use redux-tiles' middleware, or pass promisesStorage object to redux-thunk:

applyMiddleware(thunk.withExtraArgument({ promisesStorage: {} }))

Redux-tiles' middleware will inject this object automatically. This object is also crucial for server-side rendering, in case we want to prefetch data – this object collects all requests (regardless of caching; it will just filter same actions if caching is enabled) and waitTiles will await all of them.


Property fn is an obvious target to perform some API requests, but there are no restrictions on usage of it, so you can do whatever you want – starting from sleeping several seconds and to polling of some new data.

Let's implement both of these cases, starting with sleep. We will show notification for 5 seconds, and after close it:

import { createTile } from 'redux-tiles';
import { sleep } from 'delounce';

const showNotification = createTile({
  type: ['ui', 'showNotifications'],
  fn: async ({ dispatch, actions, params }) => {
    await sleep(5000);
    // let's assume that sending only id will close notification
    dispatch(actions.ui.notifications({ id: }));

    // in this case this data is pretty much useless
    // but sometimes it is helpful
    return { closed: true };
  // so we can check whether notification is going to be closed,
  // it is not really needed, but it costs nothing to us, so we can
  // remove/add it in no time
  nesting: ({ id }) => [id],

Now let's go to more complex example – polling of the user data. For example, we billed user, and now we are awaiting updated profile details:

import { createTile } from 'redux-tiles';
import { sleep } from 'delounce';

const pollDetails = createTile({
  type: ['polling', 'details'],
  fn: async ({ dispatch, actions, params, selectors, getState }) => {
    while (true) {
      await sleep(3000);
      await dispatch(;
      const { data } =;
      if (data.card !== params.card) {
        // same thing – this one is not particularly helpful data,
        // but it might be useful
        return { card: data.card };

Polling is a great example of hitting the boundaries of this library – it is not intended to solve complex asynchronous flows, it is all about composition of small units. So, if you need even more complicated behaviour, or some tweeks like stopping of the polling, etc, then I can recommend to take a look at something like Redux-saga. But if you have them just in couple of places, when you should be good sticking with redux-tiles.

Returned object API

When we create a new tile, we get in response object with all needed entities. As you will see later, it is advised to use special utilities to combine them together, but it is possible to do it by hand, in case you need. So, let's take a closer look:

import { createTile } from 'redux-tiles';

const {
  // this is an actual action, which you can dispatch if you want to
  // there is no magic behind it, except that it has a property `reset`,
  // which is a function to reset reducer to default state (synchronously)

  // reducer function. this one is really tricky – in order to use it correctly,
  // you would have to combine it by yourself (so array passed in `type` will
  // make it not that easy)
  // also, in case you want to combine it by yourself, keep in mind that
  // it can be attached only to the root without using `createReducers`
  // so, to conclude, this one, unfortunately, has some magic and it is better
  // to combine using `createReducers` from this library

  // object with START, SUCCESS, FAILURE and RESET strings
  // strings are unique by using type
  // you can use them anywhere you want – for instance, in redux-saga

  // object with two methods – get and getAll
  // get can get nested data, while getAll returns you all data
  // despite of nesting. getAll is a very rare function, you
  // will be good with just get in 99%

  // passed `type` property. can be also reached via `reflect` property

  // object which you passed to `createTile`. that's the way to get
  // your functions and to test them
} = createTile({
  type: ['api', 'get', 'client'],
  fn: ({ api }) => api.get('/client/'),

In fact, you likely won't need to get any of those data from a tile, because there are utilities to combine all of them together, but it is helpful for understanding, that under the hood all components are presented.

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